Brzo do
pune baterije
na telefonu
Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor do amet sint. Velit officia consequat duis enim velit mollit. Exercitation veniam consequat sunt nostrud amet.
Google Play
App Store

Kako ellwy funkcioniše?

Pronađi ellwy stanicu
Instalirajte ellwy
Otvorite Google Play ili App Store, tražite “ellwy” i instalirajte našu aplikaciju.
Preuzmi sa Google Play
Pronađi na App Store
QR kod na stanici za punjenje telefona
Skenirajte QR kod na ellwy stanici
Na ellwy aplikaciji, kliknite na ‘scan’ i skenirajte QR kod koji se nalazi na displeju. Ellwy powerbank ce vam biti oslobođen.
Baterija za mobitel
Punite telefon
Uzmite elwly powerbank i punite svoj telefon. Powerbank podržava i fast charging.
Vracanje baterije Ellwy
Vratite powerbank na slobodno mjesto
Nakon vraćanja powerbanka na slobodno mjesto na ellwy stanci, tajmer na aplikaciji će prestati da broji i korištenje usluge će biti naplaćeno.
Vaša kritika je dobro došla, želimo da vam pružimo najbolju uslugu.
Plaćanje Monri
Potvrdila VISA i MasterCard
putem UniCredit banke

Česta pitanja

Yes you can. Just drag & drop icons into your layout and you’re good to go. If you need further assistance we can help you.

Yes you can. Just drag & drop icons into your layout and you’re good to go. If you need further assistance we can help you.

Yes you can. Just drag & drop icons into your layout and you’re good to go. If you need further assistance we can help you.

Yes you can. Just drag & drop icons into your layout and you’re good to go. If you need further assistance we can help you.

Yes you can. Just drag & drop icons into your layout and you’re good to go. If you need further assistance we can help you.
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